Vote Yes On 2A!
Invest in Safety, Parks, and Community
1. It is not a new tax, but to continue its great work and benefits, it must be approved at the ballot box…by you and your City of Durango neighbors.
2. In 2005, the dedicated half-cent sales tax enhanced the quality of life in Durango reinforcing the reason we live here.
3. We treasure our quality of life, but we must also maintain it and, where possible, improve upon it.
4. This half-cent sales tax, paid in great part by the town’s visitors, must be reauthorized by you, the citizens of Durango, this April.
5. If Durango’s voters approve this reauthorization, this earmarked, dedicated tax has, and can continue, to benefit people across all generations, to span all income levels, and to guarantee Durango’s future.
This reauthorized tax is about people; it is about you; it is about building assets that bring a shared community together.